1. By default Ubuntu 14.04 LTS comes with OpenSSL version 1.0.1j 15 Oct 2014. You can check this by typing the command “openssl version“.
  2. Install the build essential and check install packages by typing “sudo apt-get install checkinstall build-essential“.
  3. Download the OpenSSL version from the link. I downloaded the version 1.0.1u and extracted the files from tar.
  4. Run command “sudo ./config“.
  5. Then “sudo make“.
  6. Followed by “sudo make install“. This will install the OpenSSL in the “/usr/local/ssl“.
  7. Now go to “/usr/bin” directory and change the openssl name by typing “sudo mv openssl openssl_ORIG
  8. Next type command “sudo ln -s /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl /usr/bin/openssl” which will create a symbolic link of the latest openssl binary.
  9. Reboot you’re Ubuntu.
  10. Now when you type the “openssl version” command you should get the latest version of OpenSSL; in this case it should be 1.0.1u.

if there something error when execute command “openssl version” then run this command :

$ldconfig /usr/local/lib64/

this should be fine now. selamat mencoba.